Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing   How many people hear about going to Counseling, or a Psychologist but don’t get anywhere with it? Almost every single person on the planet has something they need to resolve within. Emotional Healing is like peeling, healing and peeling the onion. Is it you that you are healing now? Is it yourContinue reading “Emotional Healing”

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Center for Healing Arts Services

Center for Healing Arts Services! Blessings & Blessed Be! I offer a spectrum and menu of services ranging from: Meditation Tarot Readings Energy Scanning Chakra Healing Channeling Intuitive Healing Reiki, IET, and Igili Energy Healing & other forms of Energy Healing To: Private One-on-One Yoga Deep Transformational Breathwork, Acupressure, Shiatsu & Thai Massage All the wayContinue reading “Center for Healing Arts Services”

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Taking a Stand

Taking a Stand There are moments that give us opportunities to look deeper, ask further and give rise to something greater! A recent event happened at the end of June, where I was in a very intimate encounter with a man, whom I felt very safe with, adored, and made me laugh often, and outContinue reading “Taking a Stand”

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Women Survivors

  Women Survivors As a woman who’s a survivor, sometimes things happen in our lives that re-trigger old wounds and bring things back up. Many times we think we are over something that happened in our past, but when something to another seems subtle, and to the survivor it brings back memories of feeling overpoweredContinue reading “Women Survivors”

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The Anger that’s Eating You

The Anger that’s Eating You What do you do when a surge of anger shows up in front of you? How do you deal with it? When you are about to meet with someone you love, do you take your anger out on the person in front of you, or do you realize the truthContinue reading “The Anger that’s Eating You”

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Spiritual Initiation – Soul Vibration

Spiritual Initiation – Soul Vibration As I sat in the giver role this evening for a client tonight, I re-experienced the presence from the higher vibrations of energy healing radiating through my palms, and the pulse of energy moving through me. It was captivating to witness someone in their response, while melting under the palmsContinue reading “Spiritual Initiation – Soul Vibration”

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