Are You Contracted Or Expanded in Your Relationship?

Are You Contracted or Expanded in Your Relationship? by: Dawn Allen Have you noticed when you’re feeling happy and at ease, your relationships flow easily along? You feel open to life, loving, and generous… expansive. But how about when you’re not feeling so great. When you’re feeling frustrated or tense, worried or angry… you feelContinue reading “Are You Contracted Or Expanded in Your Relationship?”

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5 Tips to Creating the Life You Deserve

A pretty cool lady wrote this! “Creating the life you deserve begins with the restlessness that leads to a desire for change. This desire can be a feeling that you want to shift in one area or many areas of your life. It shows up as a feeling of unease and general fatigue that infusesContinue reading “5 Tips to Creating the Life You Deserve”

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Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your life!

Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your life! Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your life! “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life. Define yourself.” ~Harvey Fierstein ~ Why do you allow people to talk to you like that? IsContinue reading “Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your life!”

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Boundaries? Use Them to Take a Stand For Your Life

This is an amazing article written by Dawn Allen, an expert in Dating & Relationship Advice! “BOUNDARIES!” Nadia screamed at me in her heavy Eastern European accent. “You have GOT to learn how to have boundaries or you will never achieve the kind of success you are meant to have in this world. You haveContinue reading “Boundaries? Use Them to Take a Stand For Your Life”

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