The Balance of Giving and Receiving

The Balance of Giving and Receiving Its been almost 2 years since my Beloved and I started on a journey of Healing together. After I fired him as a business relationship, and opened my arms to him, I’ve been training him to be a Healer full time ever since. In that time, he’s learned UsuiContinue reading “The Balance of Giving and Receiving”

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Dominance and Submission in Relationships

When I say Dominance and Submission, I’m not exactly talking about sex, or BDSM. That comes later; much later! I’m talking about behaviors that are overbearing, dominant personalities, and being in Relationship and communication with someone who overpowers you, thinks they are the only one in control, and don’t let you get a word in.Continue reading “Dominance and Submission in Relationships”

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