

Programs – Spiritual Training

Asttarte Deva Programs

Basic Program starts with Spiritual Training and spiritual development. Spirituality means something different to every person, however, to do this profound work, one must truly understand the significance of a Spiritual practice, and be engaged in one on a daily basis. If one does not know the significance of a spiritual practice and the basics of spirituality, we will embark on a journey to help you get a hands on understanding of what that means and its significance to you. There may be homework suggested and it is important that you follow the guidance of the suggested practices, or your development of expansion will not build from a foundation of self love, but a place of need.

I wish all who embark on a path of true love, healing, health, joy and growth to have the greatest and richest life possible. It all starts with the self, and as you surrender to spirit, spirit will give you all the gifts you deserve!


This Program is put together to help you gain an access and understanding and fully grasp who you are, your love and passion for life, and for those truly committed to the path of self love and healing.

The Spiritual Program will allow you to fully clear and cleanse your energetic field and understand fully what one’s energy feels like in a pure and blissful state and this will allow any later work in tantra to take on its true meaning, power and experience of serenity and joy.

Program Basics

We will cover: Asana Yoga poses, Meditation Training, Chakra TrainingMantra & Prayer, japa and Bhakti Yoga

Yoga Asana poses have many that are the basic Hatha and Classic Yoga poses, and incorporate additional breathing practices to your yoga sequence.

Basic Program incorporates a combination of Yin Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Classic Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Reiki Energy Healing and Breathwork.

Are you new to japa prayer, or have been doing mantra for some time? Would you like to receive a mantra for your private spiritual practice? Perhaps you need a mantra for your relationship, for your work, or for spiritual expansion; or something else. Receiving your mantra can be the first step in expanding your spiritual practice and healing or resolving an issue that has been burdensome for some time!

The Yoga Program  Part 2 – Energy Healing Modalities & Emotional Processing Training

The Program Part 2 is tailored to help support you in your emotional process, emotional healing, mental balance, opening the heart, forgiving the past and transforming your emotional/mental self. Not many are willing to admit they need to look at their feelings, or are deeply embarrassed, confronted and guarded to look at how they feel. They may be resigned, repressed, fed up, depressed or angry, but underneath all that is the important need to heal one’s feelings and emotional well being. Asttarte has been providing emotional healing for nearly 20 years and will support you to go to the deepest parts of yourself and you will come out feeling alive to life, refreshed and at peace once again!

The Modalities below are specific processes to help one unravel their feelings, go deep in their journey and come out a new person!

This Program Part 2 will help you work through your emotions and develop your skills to work with energy.

Quantum Intuitive Healing

All levels of healing, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and energetically. Quantum Intuitive Healing is a process where I can see the energy that’s blocked on the body, and then I help support the person to travel inward to unravel the weight, block or denseness in that area to remove it. After it has been removed anything your spirit and body is open to is able to receive. Often this process cleanses the energy field around the body and any emotional blocks one is experiencing. It’s very gentle, powerful, intense and magical!

Deep Relaxation Therapy

Receive support and guidance to travel to the parts of yourself incomplete, separate and unresolved within yourself and outside of yourself in your psychic field. You may have spiritual contracts, agreements or vows made with others in this lifetime or others that are holding you back and keeping you stuck. Let’s travel together to see what is needed to heal and unravel into the spirit and bring you fully back to yourself. You will be left feeling validated, acknowledged, understood and your heart will soar open!

Intuitive Emotional Energy Therapy – Guided Journey and Emotional Healing

(A form of Spiritual Psychotherapy, Hypnosis and Relaxation Therapy).

With Emotional Energy Therapy, we will journey together to help you feel guided towards the path to your deeper self, inner self, or child self and unravel the patterns that are keeping you stuck, in fear, sad, confused or in pain. In this process we find the area of pain in the body, travel to communicate to it, help it to open and speak what it has longed to say, and come out feeling free, loved, clear and a huge weight lifted off of you! Whatever is your greatest need, we will walk together in the journey to your own freedom.

Go deep in your personal healing, your deepest and most hidden emotions and reveal the truth of who you are. Through IEET, here we begin a journey of self exploration and take you to your own limits of what feels comfortable and safe for you.


Sometimes when the situation you are dealing with is very intense, has a lot of emotion to it, or has a pattern where it has either been going on for a very long time, or has been affecting you in your life in unpleasant ways, I will suggest we do a Breathwork Session. A Breathwork Session is a session where I will set up a very cozy and comfortable position on the floor for you, and you will lye down on a thick mat with blankets and pillows that suit your comfort level. I will guide you in breathing a deep continuous flow of breath with no pauses in between the breaths. The breathing exercise is a very intense breath that can sometimes cause one to feel dehydrated, but the positive impact of the session can awaken feelings stored deep inside to bring them up and out where they will no longer affect your life. The Breathing Session can also leave you feeling euphoric and blissful. It will help you open channels in your energy system where you get in touch with where in your body you are blocked and we will work together to clear these blocks so you can come back into harmony, health and full body peace!

Body Awareness Intuitive Healing – & Chakra Balancing

You will be guided to scan your body and tune in to how you are feeling in each area of your body that experiences discomfort or pain. You will then get clarity on exactly where your stress is coming from and how to release the pain your body is carrying. We can then move the Session into a direction of focused intent, desire, and manifestation of what you really do want and create a structure to help make it happen! 🙂

These are similar to:

Quantum Intuitive Healing

Deep Relaxation Therapy

Emotional Energy Therapy

Program Part 3 – For Couples Only

Asttarte Deva’s Yoga Program Part 3 is for taking you beyond levels 1 and 2, and shows your dedication and commitment to your spiritual path. You will be taken beyond your spiritual training, and your emotional healing training, and move into practices of connecting with your Beloved, and move your spiritual consciousness to a sensual awakening. You will learn how to give a Tantra Massage, how to teach Tantra Meditation, and use your skills of spirituality and healing yourself to help others.

We will solely work on the healing of the lower three chakras, tap into their power source and the deeper core emotions running your body and your sexual energy. You may release deep grief, rage or sadness unknown to you, and let it go. you will be able to use this wisdom to help your clients; if you choose to be a Healer or not, you will be able to use these skills to help others and continue to grow on your spiritual path!

Yoga Part 3 – For Couples

Tantric Breathing & Breathwork Training for awakening and deep emotional healing. You may choose to learn this one on one, in a webinar, or get training by going to a live Tantra Community event. You will receive up to 4 free Tantra classes when you sign up for the 6 month program. You will also be required to have at least 5 Breathwork Sessions for the 6 month program.

For those seeking the Program Level 3, you must have completed the Programs Levels 1 and 2 and received your Certifications. Recommend Couples do both Levels 1 and 2 together!

Basic Love Program

Basic Love Program is to help build a connection, heal a connection and learn what is blocking you from creating intimacy with another. You may need to sever an old connection, remove deeper blocks in yourself that are keeping you from your loved one, or truly learn to understand your partner better. With our Relationship Program, you may learn deeper tantra practices to create a stronger connection, do deeper chakra healing work, breathing practices you can do with a partner, or techniques that may help you become closer with the person you love!

The training does not have to go by order listed above. It is based on the group as a whole, and the energies each person puts into the program, and what each person needs for their own growth! Consultations for the group program and interviews will be taken by phone and in person. Feel free to send an email to us, and put in the heading “Training Program Screening”.  

How All Programs Go

No matter what you’re looking for, no matter what your focus is, your goals, intentions, or needs, or “program” you feel fits you best, we will always have a conversation and coaching part of a session, prior to anything else. Before meeting, we will have a pre-screening process to determine your level of spiritual experience, interest and what your next steps of spiritual growth are. Then we determine if we are going deeper into a spiritual healing session (which always precedes any tantra work), or if we are doing more of a Coaching Session, which always precedes any Sex or Intimacy Coaching as well.

Even if someone is coming for health reasons, holistic healing, general massage, or emotional healing (such as grief work, anxiety, depression, anger, a break up, a death in the family, a challenge with their relationship or their sexual concerns), we will still have a coaching aspect to any session.

If someone comes for Erectile Dysfunction, or Pre-mature Ejaculation, we will still have Coaching and/or Counseling prior to any Session, to determine if it is energetic and emotional reasons, or health related, and the best approach to take.

If someone comes for Intimacy Issues and is manifesting the wrong partner, we will go into Coaching, to determine what the pattern is, the history of all relationships, the types of relationships manifested, and the common theme of what all the issues in those relationships come up. We may do emotional healing or energy clearing to release the blocks to the previous partners, or go into Chakra Healing work, however, Coaching and all sorts of talking is part of the session, and is addressed in the same session.

Prior to any hands on or touching aspect of any session, spiritual healing work takes place. Often it is a meditation, chakra clearing session, or a tantra meditation, however, there are other tools used prior to hands on work that may be needed, but it is not determined what is best until after meeting and the issues that are important to work on. (And, if a talking aspect to a session is needed and takes a larger amount of time, and then a spiritual healing is needed after, a longer session would be recommended, or multiple sessions to get all aspects covered).

Sometimes Reiki or Aura Clearing is needed in order to do any hands on work. Reiki energy helps moves the energetic blocks and frees up the space around a person so they radiate a higher frequency. The energy around a person is often more significant then their physical body, and any layers that are guarded or heavy will need cleansing before physical touch and closeness. If someone’s energy is too heavy, too chaotic, anxious or fear based, I will either suggest seeking solely Spiritual Healing (with myself or another practitioner first), or a professional therapist to do emotional healing work (or they can work with me on this level also if they feel comfortable). Then after these layers have been addressed, we can move into more physical healing work.

This site talks more about more subtle white tantra and healing the aura, energy body, and spiritual healing. This site also talks about Relationship and Love Coaching aspects of the sessions, and, here we merge those worlds all together, and combine a whole body experience, of spiritual cleansing and rejuvenation, coaching/or counseling for deeper emotional healing, and tantra and intimacy for going deeper into joy, pleasure and love! Every step counts and one leads to the next layer of creating a full body experience of bliss, joy, and profound peace and satisfaction!

And even working on healing the emotional layers of a person, can certainly and DEFINITELY take one to joy! Underneath all challenging feelings is love, and no matter what lays on top, love is always waiting!

Long Term Healing Programs

Before committing to a long term healing program, it is important to take the time to create an intention for your session.
Your intention can be an intention for what it is you want to make changes in your personal life, your self, or for the session you will be receiving. It is very important to have an intention for every session. It is like a mini prayer where you make a short statement of an affirmation stating powerfully what it is you want.

Intentions create the program and they allow me the permission to give to you my best skills in accomplishing your goals to support you and allow me to be divinely guided by spirit. Making an intention is a very powerful statement to the universe of asking for what it is you want or need. Words create power and with your spoken word miracles can happen, beauty can be created and your prayer is a statement to make manifest in the universe.

May you always create an intention before anything you do and may you always receive your true hearts desires!

Requirements for Getting Started

Are you on the path of healing yourself?
Are you willing to surrender your needs and wants to the practitioner?
Are you willing and able to be respectful and kind?
Do you want to grow, learn and heal what is keeping you stuck?
Do you have a good head on your shoulders?
Are you balanced in mind and heart?
Do you have a desire to connect to your spiritual power?

My hope for all is that we all open our hearts and help each other along the way.

For those who have had no prior experience in Spiritual Healing, Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, or other forms of Connecting with the Divine, please ask me and we’ll create a Session that fits perfectly for you.

Programs Available by the phone for those who live too far to meet in person.

The Programs available over the phone include:

Phone Coaching for your Relationships, Spirituality, Sexuality and Life

Long Distance Healing

Breathwork for healing Emotions

Breathing Meditation beginners tantra breathing

Tapping for clearing emotions

Any other requests, just ask!