Couples Coaching

Couples Coaching  ~ Healing from the inside out!

Each type of session/exercise or practice can be performed as one session solely, or several can be combined in one treatment session. We can decide together what of these practices to choose – based on your goals or intentions from the list above, or I can use my intuition to choose how the session will go.

Descriptions of Sessions, Exercises and Practices below:

Yoga Practices; energy movement exercises, meditations & breathwork:

Joy Yoga Practices
Practices of Joy Yoga include over 30 exercises of expanding awareness, awakening bliss in the body, moving the energy in the chakras, full body movement exercises and breathing exercises. We will move into any of the exercises available to us and create a sacred session fill with expansion and love! This can be done standing or sitting.

Yoga Meditations
Yoga Meditations are done seated, working with the breath, the kundalini energy, the kegels/root lock and powerful visualizations. There are over 100 Yoga Meditations and each can be used to prepare the client to receive a powerful healing session.

Shamanic Breathwork.
Shamanic Breathwork is almost the same as the Meditations, however, this can include meditations as well as more physical movement. This can be done standing or sitting. Most often, this practice is done laying down on the back, with the knees up and feet planted on the floor. The main intention of the breathwork is to release energy blocks in the aura, and emotional blocks in the body. Tantra Breathwork creates deep awakenings, insights and emotional transformations to manifest and create changes that help uplift the spirits, bring enlightenment to oneself and ones personal relationships. This is an excellent substitute to Energy & Movement Psychotherapy and can be a powerful catalyst to therapy, a way of taking personal responsibility for one’s process in and out of a relationship, and a way of creating harmony in your personal and love life!

Kundalini Fire Breath
Kundalini Fire Breath is a practice done solo. It can be done sitting in any position, and in Kundalini Yoga is often done during intense yoga asana postures. In Tantra Yoga, this is usually done in the lotus position; while sitting still. The Kundalini Fire Breath creates harmony between the yin and yang, or masuline and feminine sides of the body and harmonizes the energy within you and around you. It creates a feeling of stillness and peace all over and other words for this are called Bliss! The feeling is mesmerizing!

Intimacy Therapy

Intimacy Therapy is a very personal form of therapy and healing, and when one requests this as a session, they must be willing to be authentic to their own feelings within them self and allow them self to become vulnerable with their Practitioner. Often times, a client will need to come to the Practitioner for weeks or months before they are ready to allow themselves to trust the Practitioner they are seeing; unless they are already on a deep spiritual path and know within themselves that they are ready. Prior to Intimacy Therapy, the client will go through a few practices of Tantra Yoga and sometimes Sexual Healing before opening up to the Intimacy Therapy. However, in few cases, the client requesting the session will know exactly what they are wanting to address and heal and Intimacy Therapy can be performed immediately.


Couples Eye Gazing
A popular practice often overlooked – Tantra eye gazing drops layers upon layers of walls of energy stored around your own aura, and if given the proper focus and time, can allow deep healing, deep sacred and intimate connection to occur, and powerful blocks to be removed while speaking your truth of who you are and communcating this to the one(s) you love! This practice is often done before anything else. It creates a safe container of connection, trust and intimacy to be built, and without this nothing else can be done!

Sacred Womb Healing For the husband to perform on his wife

Part of training with your Partner
This practice is offered for women. Yoni is a sanskrit word for the female sexual area and when offered by the Dakini this is done for healing of deep seated trauma, awakening blockages in the body, expanding orgasm, and offering loving compassion and gentle support for the woman. Sacred Yoni Healing can create a feeling of upliftment and empowerment in the body, and expand the Goddesses awareness to all that surrounds her. This healing exercise is offered with presence and loving acceptance from the Dakini.

Spiritual Trauma Healing
Spiritual Trauma Healing encompasses practices of Joy Yoga, however, with a Practitioner giving a Healing Service with the receiver lying down, or standing upright. Sexual Trauma Healing is not a series of learning exercises to practice as much as it is a practice to move energies to help you heal blocks of pain, numbness, anger, sadness or any other emotion that is in your way. Spiritual Trauma Healing is a way of receiving the nurturing you need in specific areas of your body. It can include eye contact while you lie on the floor, energy healing or reiki anywhere on the body, massage techniques, and guidance on moving your energy.

Spiritual Trauma Healing can include other techniques from this list in addition to Yoga, Spiritual Healing, and other Emotional Healing techniques on this site.

One on one talk time, in other words, Counseling, Spiritual Guidance, and Meditative calming breathing is always a pre-requisite for all sessions before moving into any of the other practices.

See Also Descriptions in the book Awaken To Living; Tantra for Your Whole Life on Amazon!

Bliss Treatments for Couples 

Couples can come together and witness each other, or schedule one of the partner at a time. We will all meet together initially, and then proceed who will get started first and the structure that works best for each pair.

The Ultimate Emotional Healing Spiritual Therapy Treatment

30 minutes of Consultation, or longer if needed

10 minutes of Eye Gazing Deep Breathing Practice

30 minutes of Energy Balancing, Chakra Balancing, Chanting Emotional Vibrational Healing & Energy Balancing Technique

30 minutes +/- of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Matrix Work, IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) or Sound Therapy (screaming primal animal sounds, punching the floor or air in front of you while releasing anger, sounds and facial expressions, &/or Powerful Emotional Release Shamanic Exercise! 1 hour of Shamanic Breathwork, Ocean Breath or Powerful Guided Kundalini Awakening Breath from my Master Teacher (several kinds available to use) Excellent for those who are ready to take on their emotions, willing to admit their anger or sadness, and want to be empowered to be free of their feelings! Also fantastic for those going through major changes and transitions in their lives, or for those who are willing to step up to the next level of their evolution!

Will Total to 3 Hours of Complete Awakening!

You can create you Session however you like. This is a possible scenario! Discount Available Based on need.

The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Pamper Treatment

30 minutes of Consultation 1 hour of Reiki or other form of Energy Healing

30 minutes of Meditation

1 hour of Shiatsu Massage, Jin Shin Do Acupressure, Thai Yoga Massage Bodywork or Spiritual Massage.

An excellent simple treatment of escape!

Great for women who need loving touch!

An excellent beginners Spiritual Healing and gentle loving Treatment!

Fantastic for those who know that all they need is a really long session of deep and utter relaxation!

Great for energy cleansing, self nurturing and body pampering or muscle healing.

A Total of 3 hours of Bliss! You can create you Session however you like. This is a possible scenario! Discount Available upon Request!

The Ultimate Spirit Energy Alignment Healing Treatment

30 minutes of Consultation

30 minutes of energy scanning and intuitive counseling

30 minutes of chakra balancing meditation or chakra balancing healing

1 hour of Reiki Therapy or other form of Energy Healing

30 minutes of Frequency Balancing and Axiotonal Alignment Techniques (Full Frequency Balancing Session or Axiotonal Alignment Initiation upon request or suggestion) May also receive cord cutting from someone you wish to detach from, past life healing, or angel card reading.

Grounding Techniques and deep embraced hug at the end!

Excellent for those undergoing a major amount of stress, those who want to expand their knowledge of spiritual healing and have hands on experience and for those who want one on one tutoring in self healing, spiritual enhancement and soul connection.

Excellent for those who have an understanding that we are all made of energy, and the more we cleanse our own energy, the more we can be purified of our past, connect to our spiritual power and make anything we want happen for our future.

Great for spirit guidance and understanding where you are presently on your path!

A total of 3 hours of connection to spirit and your soul!

You can create you Session however you like. This is a possible scenario!

Discount Available Based on need.

If an Axiotonal Alignment Initiation occurred during the Session, extra fees may apply. We can discuss this before agreeing to the Alignment.

The Ultimate Physical Stress Body Pampering Treatment

30 minutes of Consultation

30 minutes of Reiki or other form of Energy Healing

30 minutes of Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure

1 hour of Spiritual Massage 30 minutes of head, neck, foot and hand massage!

Deep kundalini breathing always occurs even when not requested.

When the body needs to release energy and it flows through me, it happens naturally. My breath guides you to your relaxation. An excellent form of full body pampering from your every cell to your every muscle!

Complete and total stress relief!

Excellent for tired, sore & achy muscles or for those who don’t have energy to do anything.

A Total of 3 hours of complete ultimate relaxation!

You can create you Session however you like. This is a possible scenario! Discount Available Upon Request!

The Ultimate Couples Yoga Workout Energizing Treatment

30 minutes of Consultation

30 minutes of Deep Breathing and Energizing Meditation 30 minutes of Hug Therapy

15 minutes of Yab Yum exercises

15 minutes of chakra toning

1 hour of Spiritual Massage Great for people who have a lot of passion and power, or sex drive but don’t know how to channel their energies effectively.

Great for people who have high emotions, but get caught up and stuck in them, instead of letting them move through you.

Excellent for opening blocked energies in the body Powerful Treatment for people who are guarded or repressed, or numb and stuck in their own bodies, and resistant to taking action in areas that matter to you or that would be important in your growth.

Also excellent for self nurturing and being given the gift of nurturing, heightened awareness & love!

A Total of 3 Hours of Kundalini Awakening!

You can create you Session however you like. This is a possible scenario! Discount Available Based on need.